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http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1381968 |
Can I just get a break? I need a holiday, a vacation, an escape – any
of those would do I’m not really picky!
I’d even settle for just being able to put my head in the sand and let
the world go by for a few days.
My life is just so crammed with
stuff that continually calls my attention.
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http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1330576 |
There are the kids that need help with their homework, driven to soccer
practice, picked up from gymnastics, dropped off at friends and taken to the
doctor! There is the job that never seems to be left
at work. It sneaks into my car and forcefully
makes its way into my home.
Then there
is the house; the never-ending mounds of laundry, dirty bathrooms, stacks and
stacks of dishes, and weeds in the flower beds that threaten to take over even
the hardiest plants. There are friends
and relatives that want my attention, neighbors, people in need and on and on
the list goes. Could I just scream, pull
out my hair and find the nearest closet to hide in for a while?
And then there is God. . .
He is constantly at work in my
life; poking, prodding, re-shaping, and changing my life. Some of the time I’m content to let Him do
His work in me but really after a while it gets a little laborious. I’m tired of being thrown out of my comfort
I feel like a cancer patient who
is constantly poked with needles, prodded in places that I don’t want to be
prodded and examined to the nth degree. Sometimes, I just want a break for a while, a
sabbatical if you will from God. Could I
just stay where I am for a while and not change?
I think summer would be the
perfect time to take a break from God.
My Bible studies have ended, the kids are out
of school and my schedule is thrown out the window. I will be FREE. It’s not like it will be forever. I’ll just do it for the summer and then when
school starts up again I’ll be ready for God to begin His work in me again.
As I am making my selfish plans, I hear Him whisper, “My child,
you will never just stay where you are.
You are either moving toward Me or away from Me.”
And He reminds me of a verse in
Proverbs that says , "A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day
off there, sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next? Then (spiritual) poverty will
pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber!"
(Proverbs 24:33-34 Message, NLV)
Do I really want that – spiritual
I can already see myself
bankrupt, sitting in a pool of self-pity and despair . I’ve been there before and I KNOW I don’t
want to experience that again. What was
I thinking?
Lord, I’m sorry. I’ve been a fool BUT what grace You have
extended to me in spite of everything! Teach
me to love you with all my mind, my heart and my soul and never, never let me
take a holiday from You!

Powerful reminder - we are NEVER still in our relationship with God. Needed that reminder!
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