Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Treasure Hunt

My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:1-5(NLV)

I was privileged to grow up in a great Christian home. From the time my parents brought me home from the hospital, I was in church. I grew up listening to the stories of the Bible, memorizing verses, doing Bible drills (a practice of helping children know where to find verses in their Bible) and singing songs – like the B-I-B-L-E and Onward Christian Soldiers.

I was saturated in Bible “lingo” and as a young adult (to be perfectly honest) was bored and tired of it. I knew I needed to be in God’s Word, to spend time with him but when I would open up the Scriptures, my heart would scream, “I already know this. I’ve seen this a thousand times! How can I get anything new from it?” It was a raging battle within my soul – the pull to do what I knew everyone expected of me and the pull to give up.

My mind was like one of those tea cups at Disneyland that spins around and around, “Why is this so hard? It shouldn’t be like this but I don’t know how to get out of this vicious cycle.” And just like those tea cups I was becoming sick of the struggle.

That battle raged within me for many years and it wasn’t until God took me through a painful break up with a close friend that I began to see things differently.

The day of my transformation is forever stamped upon my heart. I was sitting out in our back porch journaling about my frustration with my husband . . . He wasn’t loving me the way I thought I should be loved.

And as I was telling God, “I just want him to WANT to be with me!” and I felt God whisper to me, “That’s how I want you to love me!”

“You want me to WANT to be with You?!”

Just like I didn’t want my husband saying to me, “Well I would rather spend time with the guys but since you insist, I guess I’ll spend time with you.” God didn’t want me to say, “I really would rather be reading this book or watching this TV show but if you insist I guess I’ll drag out my Bible and spend time with you.”

It was the light of truth that finally pierced the darkness of my soul and I got it! I picked up my Bible and began to read. It was like I had a new Bible, one I had never read before! My OLD Bible had become NEW. I began to realize that this Bible was God’s communication with me. These words weren’t just great truths to read, they were HIS Words to me! My heart was overwhelmed with this Truth!

Over the years I have read the Bible from cover to cover and I’m becoming more and more convinced of the truth in Proverbs 2(NLV) . . .

Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God.

God and His Word are truly a treasure worth hunting for! Won't you join me in the HUNT?


  1. The Holy Spirit used your story to pierce my heart today. Many times I read my Bible but don't see it as a treasure. Thank you for the new insight, Kristi.
    Pam at

  2. I'm looking forward to doing a Bible Study with Nicole this fall - we won't be together physically, but can discuss via phone or webcam what we're learning. It's been several years since I've been in a Ladies' Bible Study. Daily devotions are good, but not like a treasure hunt.

  3. I LOVE this analogy, Kristi. I've read His word cover to cover every year but one since I was saved, and there are ALWAYS new things to find.
