Friday, January 1, 2016

Word for the Year

Last year around this time I wrote a blog post entitled, One Word.  I had been challenged to let go of New Year’s resolutions and focus on one word I sensed God wanting me to focus on in my life.  I chose, UNDIVIDED.  The verse I chose that centered around this theme was Psalm 86.11,  

               Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness;
give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. 

When I chose this word, I never dreamed how powerful it would be.  How God would constantly remind me of my heart’s desire.  How He would shape and form me.  Weeding out those places of impurity and dividedness in my heart.  How my heart’s cry every day became . . . “Give me an undivided heart.” 

The reason I chose this word, was because I could see myself so divided in my genuineness towards other people and God.  How jealous I was when someone would get what I had been longing for and how angry I would be that God wasn’t giving me what I wanted.    

I craved a pure heart . . . one that would genuinely rejoice over someone else’s success, without bitterness or jealousy raising its ugly face.   

And God did that and so much more!  He took me to places in my heart I never knew were divided.  Culminating in a confrontation by a friend that I was harboring bitterness towards someone who had hurt me long ago.   It led me to meeting with this person who had hurt me so deeply and sharing my hurt and struggle. Through that obedience God set me free.  It’s been a beautiful year, of soul searching, pain over my sin and joy at God’s gentle prodding and pruning. God has done an incredible work.  I’m ready to step out in boldness, looking expectantly at what God will do in my heart this New Year with my new word . . .
Psalm 118.6  The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear.  What can mere people do to me? 
               Romans 8:31  If God is for me, who can ever be against me?

Daring to follow wherever He leads.  Daring to take Him at His Word.  Daring to go where He wants me to go and do what He is wants me to do, no matter the cost.  Daring to share truth.  Daring to pray audacious prayers. Daring to trust. . .  

What will God do in my life with this word?  Only He knows.  I confess there is a part of me that wonders will I be brave enough for this word.  I can feel the fear knocking on my back door but I’m refusing to answer and I choose to walk in faith knowing God never calls me to anything that He won’t provide. 

What has God done in your life this past year?  What does He want to do in your life this year?  I’d love to hear about it!  Do you have One Word this year that you’re choosing to focus on?  I’d love to hear what it is and why you chose it.

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