Sunday, November 13, 2011

Someone's Watching You!

Daniel 12:3 says, “Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.”

This past week I met with some friends to study the Bible at a local restaurant in town.  We sat off in the corner talking and sharing what we were learning from God’s Word.  Part of our conversation was about how people watch us and we don’t even realize it.  We were oblivious to the people around us until a couple of women stepped up to our table to say that they had been listening to our conversation.  They were encouraged and intrigued by the things they had heard and wished they could be part of a Bible study like ours.

After they left, the three of us looked at each other stunned!  We had no idea there was anyone close enough to hear us much less listen to what we were saying. 

Over the years, I have had other moments like this where a neighbor, friend, co-worker or bystander has said much the same thing, “I’m watching you . . .”

It’s kind of scary to think that someone is watching you; watching how you react in a difficult situation, watching how you share or don’t share what God has given you with someone else, watching how quick you are to forgive or hold a grudge, watching how humble you or how much you brag about your abilities and the list goes on . . .

I don’t know about you but I often wonder why anyone would want to watch me.  I’m not a highly significant person, I’m not famous, and I don’t have any amazing gifts or abilities that would single me out.  But there is one thing that draws the attention of others and that is my claim to be a Jesus follower.  I have taken a stand for Jesus and people are watching and judging to see if my actions and attitudes, match my words.  And whether I like it or not people are watching!

Do you know that people are watching you too?

Philippians 2:14-15 (NIV), “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”  Then you will SHINE AMONG THEM LIKE STARS IN THE SKY as you hold firmly to the word of life.”

Following God and seeking His wisdom causes us to shine like stars in the sky and just as a moth is drawn to the light, those watching us are drawn to the LIGHT of Jesus Christ.

You are the Light
by Steve Fee

We are the people of God
The sons and daughters of love
Forgiven, restored and redeemed
Living our lives to the praise of the King
We are the ones who will shine
His light in the darkness
The hopeless, the broken, the poor
They will be hopeless no more

We shine like stars in the universe
Proclaiming the hope of our God
And to the sons and daughters in all the earth
We shine You, Lord



  1. love your post! thanks for sharing... God bless you...loves soraya..
